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About us

Who are we?

Cosmos Lux International is a SICAV (open-end investment company) characterised by high liquidity and a high level of transparency in relation to its investment strategy. It is available for investment in euro or foreign currency and consists of two distinct, complementary sub-funds: Diversified and Swiss Franc.

Building your wealth strategy

Wealth is a complex concept that is the result of personal and family history, financial calculation and discussion over future plans. Managing wealth is a challenging exercise that involves first defining a strategy and then implementing it by drawing on specialised technical knowledge in a wide range of fields: tax, finance, legal, banking, etc. But the main requirement of asset management is a good helping of common sense…

  • A robust management process: our experience in researching information and selecting and trading off investments means you can rest assured we will adhere strictly to the fund’s characteristics.
  • Ability to take into account the economic climate and opportunities: our management process means we have a helpful degree of flexibility to protect the security of your investments in the event of a crisis.

Close, confidential relationships

We adhere to the highest ethical standards and offer specific commitments ensuring independence, service quality and professional secrecy.

  • Our firm has been based in Luxembourg – Europe’s fifth-largest financial market – for over 20 years.
  • We are not tied to any banking or financial distribution network: our investment choices are guided by your requirements and yours alone. You are shielded from potential conflicts of interest.
  • Our policy is always to be transparent, keep our clients informed and act on their behalf in the strictest confidence.

Open-end investment company with multiple sub-funds
SICAV governed by Luxembourg law – European UCITS IV passport

Registered office: 106 Route d’Arlon, L-8210 Mamer, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Luxembourg commercial registry no. B 41467 Legal notice filed with the registrar of the District Court of and in Luxembourg

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